Requesting an amendment#

Last modified: 18 Jun 2024

Types of amendments#

Amendments to projects fall into the following five categories:

  1. Request new data.

  2. Add/remove a researcher.

  3. Move organisation.

  4. Extend TRE access period.

  5. Change research question.

Apply for an amendment#

Amendments must come either from the PI of the project or the PI must be copied in.

  1. Download the appropriate amendment form from the Resources for Researchers SharePoint, which is accessible to all researchers active in the TRE.

  2. Complete the form fully, following the instructions detailed on each form.

  3. Email the completed form to the UK LLC Applications Team:

Your request will be reviewed by the UK LLC Applications Team and if you are requesting new data, input may also be sought from the UK LLC Data Access Committee (DAC) and individual LPS DACs.

Each approved amendment is indicated by an increment to the letter appended to the project reference number, e.g. llc_0006_a is the original approved application for project llc_0006 and llc_0006_b is the first approved amendment.

UK LLC informs the LPS of all amendments to projects that involve their data and informs the UK Statistics Authority of amendments to projects that use the Digital Economy Act as their legal gateway to access administrative data.

The length of the approval process varies depending on the type of amendment and the associated due diligence requirements.

Specific information about each type of amendment is detailed below.

1. Request new data#

You can request access to additional data from already approved LPS, and/or access to data from additional LPS, and/or access to additional linked data. Each type of data amendment requires a different level of review as detailed below:

  1. Additional data from previously approved LPS:
    a) Standard sensitivity data - review by UK LLC
    b) Elevated sensitivity data - review by LPS DACs
    c) Derived data - review by LPS DACs.

  2. Data from new LPS - review by LPS DACs (if the data are linked then review also by UK LLC Linked Data Review Panel).

  3. Additional linked data - review by LPS DACs & UK LLC Linked Data Review Panel.

UK LLC checks that the request for new data falls within the scope of the approved project. If the request falls outside the scope, the research team is invited to submit a new application.

2. Add/remove a researcher#

Add a researcher#

Note: UK LLC does not need to be notified about new collaborators on a project who will not access the TRE.

The UK LLC Applications Team checks the suitability of a new researcher and their research organisation, including their Accredited Researcher status. If the researcher is from an organisation already involved in the project, the new researcher need only complete a UK LLC Data User Responsibilities Agreement (DURA), but if they come from a new organisation, a Data Access Agreement (DAA) between their organisation and the UoB will need to be implemented.

Remove a researcher#

You must notify UK LLC when a researcher leaves a project so that their access to the TRE can be terminated.

3. Move organisation#

You must notify UK LLC when a researcher moves organisation so that the UK LLC Applications Team can check the suitability of the new organisation, including its information security credentials. If the researcher moves to an organisation not yet covered by a DAA for the project, a new DAA will be required. The researcher will need to complete a new DURA.

4. Extend TRE access period#

Researchers are sent reminders at 90 days, 35 days and 1 day that their access to the TRE is coming to an end. If you anticipate requiring more time in the TRE to complete your analyses, you must notify UK LLC in good time. The UK LLC Applications Team assesses whether the extension request is reasonable and realistic, and whether the Accredited Researcher status of each researcher surpasses the new project end date. For researchers whose Accredited Researcher status falls short, extension to the TRE is set to the expiry date of their status.

5. Change research question#

All your analyses must lie within the scope of your original approved project. If you feel that your research question is shifting or you would like to amend your research question, you must submit an amendment. The UK LLC Applications Team will determine if the amended or new research question would require a new lay summary. If so you will be invited to submit a new application.