User support#

Last modified: 18 Jun 2024

Self-service user tools#

UK LLC maintains a library of self-service user help tools in multiple formats, including this user guide, helper syntax and YouTube videos. In addition, all active researchers are invited to join the monthly UK LLC Analyst Group meetings and the UK LLC Data Users’ Google Group.

Help desks#

Click on the YouTube link below for a short video guide (50 seconds). Alternatively, scroll down to follow the written step-by-step instructions.

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If researchers are unable to find the help they require, the UK LLC Data Team can be contacted at

If researchers experience issues with the software or the SeRP environment they should contact in the first instance.

UK LLC Data Users’ Google Group#

The group should be used to discuss UK LLC data-related insights and problem solving with fellow researchers.

To join the Google Group:

  1. Go to this link:

  2. Click “Ask to join group” button.

  3. Await approval.

Getting started:

  1. To start a new topic click:

  1. To reply to an existing conversation, click on “Reply all”, insert message and click “Post message”

  2. To set your email notification settings go to “My membership settings” from left pane.

Make a complaint#

UK LLC aims to deliver a high quality and inclusive service that empowers researchers to conduct impactful research for public good. If you feel the service you have received from UK LLC has fallen below your expectations, you can file a complaint.

If you are accessing LPS data and health data, you should email UK LLC directly:

If you are also accessing government administrative data (DWP, DoE, HMRC) through the Digital Economy Act (DEA) legal gateway, you may alternatively choose to email the UK Statistics Authority (the body that accredits UK LLC as a DEA Accredited Processing Environment):