Discover LPS data#

Last modified: 03 Sep 2024


See the LPS in the UK LLC partnership guide for a list of all the LPS that contribute data to the UK LLC TRE.

Note: the list does not include LPS that are working to join the UK LLC partnership but have not yet notified their participants through ‘fair processing’ communications. No data flow into the UK LLC TRE until participants have been notified.

Discover LPS data in the UK LLC TRE#

UK LLC Explore provides an overview of each LPS and includes details about every LPS dataset held by UK LLC (variable names, labels and values). UK LLC Explore also allows applicants to specify their data request so they can submit it alongside their application to access data in the UK LLC TRE. The Permitted linkages guide summarises which LPS are linked to which routine records.

Discover additional LPS data#

Not all partner LPS have uploaded all their data into the UK LLC TRE yet. You can find information about the total data held by LPS by searching LPS documentation resources (see UK LLC Explore for links). You may also find the following discovery tools useful:

  • Catalogue of Mental Health Measures: this catalogue provides detailed information about LPS mental health data over time. The curators have identified which LPS have used which measures to assess mental health. There is a broad range of information within the scope of ‘mental health’, e.g. substance use relating to smoking, alcohol and drugs. When this is useful: to understand the use of specific mental health measures at different time points and across LPS. Coverage: the catalogue includes most UK LLC partner LPS, but the scope of metadata is limited to describing data with ‘mental health’ relevance.

  • CLOSER Discovery: this is a very detailed database of variable names, labels and values, including summary value frequencies. It is structured to allow users to understand how variables fit within an overarching ‘sweep’ of data collection (e.g. a questionnaire or assessment visit). When this is useful: to understand data sequences within assessments and for testing feasibility using summary value frequencies. Coverage: seven UK LLC partner LPS (ALSPAC, BCS70, Millennium Cohort, NCDS58, Next Steps, NHSD46, Understanding Society).

  • UK Data Service: this catalogue contains LPS-produced documentation for the deposited data, including what data was collected, how it was collected and how it was subsequently quality assessed and processed. When this is useful: to understand how LPS collected and processed their data. Coverage: eight UK LLC partner LPS (BCS70, ELSA, Millennium Cohort, NCDS58, Next Steps, NHSD46, NICOLA, Understanding Society).

  • HDR UK Gateway: this database provides metadata about LPS and also about linked routine records, particularly the different NHS datasets. When this is useful: for signposting the availability of LPS datasets and to provide links to more detailed documentation. Coverage: many UK LLC partner LPS have individual Gateway entries and these are linked to from the UK LLC entry. The metadata tends to be at the LPS level rather than the dataset level.

  • Harmony: this AI-driven tool enables users to upload lists of LPS variables (e.g. PDFs or Excel spreadsheets) and to identify which questions are similar within the LPS over time or across LPS. It facilitates, but does not conduct, data harmonisation. When this is useful: to rapidly and automatically identify potentially comparable variables. Coverage: Harmony works for any metadata and is not restricted to any specific LPS.